Sunday, July 03, 2005

Hollywood forestry

So. B and I are housesitting for some friends, and staying here in the aorta of culture itself, Hollywood. Last night we sat around with Bill and played '1313 Deadend Drive," a truly thrilling gaming experience. It is most likely intended for five-year-olds, but we sure managed to have a blast. I won. We also dined on some real quality Japanese food with shocking frugality. No stars, lots of homosextuality, and just a couple ounces too much cool. Kinda nice to be in a city again.

So I signed on to run followspot and help out with electrics for the Young Artists Ensemble's summer musical, Guys and Dolls. Yahoo. It pays pretty well, and I have no responsibility, which in a theatre is pretty rare for me, and it ends at the end of the month. So, looking for more stable work, but if I am to return to the windy city in the dusky August sun it may prove somewhat difficult. CBESTs are in August as well, and I need to take it in order to substitute teach in the fall. I like teaching.

I have narrowed five potential reseach interests: 1) Kelp Forest Ecology, 2) Temperate Rain Forest Ecology, 3) Biodiversity of Polar Ecosystems, 4) Evolutionary Biology of Nudibranchs and Sea Hares, 5) Avian Biology and Behavior.

Thrilling, I know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm thrilled. i've been learning about weeds. that's thrilling too.

8:44 PM  

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