Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The dust in here is thick

Gross. Cobwebs and worse dominate this abandoned attic of my thoughts, and it will take time, effort, and some serious willpower to clean it out.

Although I have been absent in the blogosphere (at least this neighborhood of it) I haven't been completely out of touch, and I doubt the following will be news to anybody, but I feel compelled to write it anyway.

It has been nine months, give or take, since the last time I posted to this blog. I suppose I just needed some hibernation, or insulation, or maybe it was just good ol' fashioned laziness. Some things have changed in my life, many have remained steady, and new surprises do seem in store a little down the river. At the time of my last post, I was just discovering a surprising love of mathematics. The following semester I convinced my calculus professor to teach me and some other ambitious students some real mathematics. It was a modern algebra class, and I was blown away. I was considering getting a second bachelor's degree in mathematics, because it would have been possible to do it in three (albeit maddening) semesters. After getting a grasp of what serious high level mathematics does to one's psyche, however, I thought better of that idea. Something about spending so much concentration on concepts completely removed from anything remotely tangible gives you some sort of neurological tendonitis; this is why so many mathematicians go mad. So anyway, an epiphany materialized. If I became a very talented research biologist, I would bash my head against walls trying to convince reticent policymakers to enact some meaningful standards based on all of this wonderful data I discovered. So it looks like it's law school, folks. Environmentally flavored law school. Maybe with a dash of a master's degree in environmental policy or management. That, however, is a good distance in the future. There a few more classes I would like to take to make myself a little more competitive, and Brandyn and I would really like to do a stint in the Peace Corps.

So here we are. 1:31pm on 9/27/06. Less than two months until the midterm elections. I am at work, at my meaningless, soulless, well-paying corporate job. Brandyn works her meaningless, soulless, well-paying corporate job across the street, which is a pretty excellent situation (the proximity, not the soullessness). After work today I will go to chemistry and be lectured to by an old former soviet chemist whose command of the English language is less than comprehensive, while Brandyn may or may not attempt to work on some pottery (she hurt her hand on the trapeze last weekend). Then I'll get up early and come back here, to the job, then to the gym, and then go to economics and be lectured at by a very aggressive African man. Then I'll get up early and come back to work. Rinse and repeat.

Keep your fingers crossed, maybe I'll post again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually closer to 10 months...almost exactly 10 months in fact.

11:29 AM  
Blogger nicholas said...

yeah, i'm an asshole. way to check though. i feel loved.

what are you up to this weekend?

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

working tonight (saturday) and tomorrow night.

10:24 AM  
Blogger farmer michelle said...

you've been missed, dear nicolas.

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way...when the fuck are we going to start studying for the LSATs?

11:10 AM  

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