Friday, July 15, 2005

I am losing my mind

This whole Karl Rove Treason Plame Wilson Novak Cooper Yellowcake Miller nightmare is driving me up the walls. I keep reading both sides and their respective talking points, and I need to stop. I'll lose my mind. I would love to see Rove in prison, though. No doubt about that.

So, you all most likely read of our fitness adventure over on Brandyn's blog. It's pretty fantastic. And the mustache is in order, although I think I'll wait until it is majestic enough to really stun my personal trainer. Hehehehe. The weather has been hot, but still climbing, and I have been eager to surf, but all things in time. Hopefully I can work consistently for Scott, and buy a surfboard in a month or so. These first couple paychecks need to go to the trip to Chicago, and settling various accounts there (although somewhere in there was some copier-mondo money, but I'm sure it's all a wash) and paying off a really sweet credit card bill, but after that it's all surfboard and savings. I can't wait to be a high school sub. I am going to be fantastic. I also have an appointment to interview at the Civic Arts Plaza. So it looks like my semi-permanent employment sitution is Substitute Teacher/ME for the Theatre on the Hill/Electrician for Civic Arts Plaza. Yeehah.

I think I am going to take a statistics class in the fall, but I'm not entirely sure.

Well, I am off to get a table for our fishtank which is going to be amazing. We found an entire fishtank in the garage, complete with stuff, so we upgraded the filter and are filtering the water for a week or two before we add any fish. Any suggestions? We can either have 1, maybe 2 goldfish, or a handful of little tropical fish. We also want a lot of aquatic plants. I found some miniature freshwater sharks that were pretty cool as well. If we get a goldfish we are going to get a Black Moor goldfish.

Off to the day. Hope all is well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you need a surfboard let me know. David has two and I am sure you could use one of them. We even have the easy to attach roof rack. As far as fish, Sharks are bad ass. Get a shark.

11:28 AM  

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