Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Harmony of the spheres.

This is an animation of the ocean temperature and satellite storm activity over the past couple months. It ends with Katrina slamming into the south. What suprised me was the harmony and repetitiveness to the weather patterns, not unlike a minimalist symphony, with a timpani roll of a hurricane every few weeks crashing across the gulf.

Here's the link.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I cannot believe this is happening.

Regular local updates regarding the nightmare unfolding in New Orleans.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Tom Watson can write well.

Wow. Chicago. Words fail me. I miss you all already.

There is a new blog up at Email me at nicholasgeorg at gmail dot com, and I'll send you an invitation, then you can invite others and post as much as you want. Start a blog of your own in addition, if you like. I put something interesting up that I saw on Linkfilter about bees.

And while you're at it, read this, and weep.