Tuesday, May 24, 2005

This is neat...

For everyone who has always been dying to know, it turns out that jellyfish (or sea jellies, as scientists slowly adapt their goofy lexicon) are incredibly close relatives of coral, as in coral reefs. They are both of the phylum Cnidaria. I think that it is totally wild that the such a wispy delicate creature and such a living rock are not only related, but quite similar animals. After all, both live in colonies, and really a piece of coral is thousands of little polyps with tiny fan arm mouth things trying to grab and eat things, just like jellyfish. Ahhh, marine life, what weird and violent little critters.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Day of reckoning...

Tomorrow begins round two of college. Wish me luck.

Shouting into the void...

I wonder if anyone that I know has even looked at this website. It doesn't matter to much, interested parties will find it eventually, but it seems sort of weird to speak into a void.

I saw Star Wars yesterday. Sweet in my opinion. The dialogue is as gripping as grease and the acting is disgusting, but Darth Vader cutting down children with a light saber is about as honest as Star Wars can be. Well concluded. Oh yeah, and the Narnia trailer brought me to tears.

Bill and I are Go masters. I lead five games to four, but Bill has the first move next game, and I think he'll squash me. As soon as I can get a faster internet connection I'll post some pictures of the completed games. They are very interesting and beautiful looking.

I miss Brandyn.